
Group welcome photo

Welcome to the Villages Miata MX-5 Club website. The Club is an organization with the goal of uniting Miata MX-5 drivers and navigators in a social environment.
We plan and organize fun driving trips, events, lunches, dinners, tours, overnights, and anything else of interest to club members. We encourage all members to volunteer to assist in the planning, organizing, and running of our events.
If you are interested in being active in the club, please contact one of the following:
Mike Remsha @ 352-446-5923 – mikerem48@gmail.com
Floyd Barwig @ 352-661-3273 – sandfbarwig@gmail.com.

For membership information, please view the Membership Form.

Upcoming Events

Contact Mike Remsha at mikerem48@gmail.com for more information about the raffle

DateEvent Details
Last Saturday of each monthCars and Coffee (Meet other Car Nuts on the Last Saturday of the Month)
Meet at Lake Sumter Landing behind Fidelity Investments
From 9:00 am to around 10:00 am
January 29The First Great Villages Border-to-Border Rally
A Gimmick Rally
It starts at Mulberry Grove and ends at Evans Prairie Country Club – a NOON Start
Cost $5 per Miata… Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Places plus more
Mike Remsha & George Nagle
Click here to sign up for this trip
January 28Charity Fund Raiser
Nancy Lopez Country Club
The Club will receive 20% of the Food Bill if you print MIATA on the Restaurant Bill
Not the Credit Card Receipt
February 5The Flying Boat Restaurant in Belleview. Meet at noon at Mulberry Grove Rec Center parking lot NE corner. Depart 12:15 pm.
Click here to sign up for this trip
1st Prize: 1 FREE MEAL ($25 value) a Week for one Year at the Havana Country Club
2nd Prize: $100 CASH
3rd Prize: $50 CASH

Come Join Us!

We meet at the Bacall Recreation Center on the fourth Monday of the month from September through July. There is no membership meeting in August and the December meeting is replaced with a holiday party. The meetings normally start at 3:30 PM.

You must be a full-time or seasonal Villager and Miata MX-5 owner or navigator to join the club.